venice church

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Back From the Desert

Amy and I just returned from a few days away with our family. We had a wonderful time, but we are glad to be home and are looking forward to seeing all of you on Sunday. Actually, I could have stood another couple of days of golf…but…I am looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

Just a couple of reminders…
The Men’s Ministry Road Trip is August 31-September 4. The cost is only $225.00 and there is still space available. If you need more information contact Brad Jensen at

Ladies, there are only 3 spots left for the Women of Faith Conference on September 9 & 10. The next three ladies to pay $89.00 get the spots. The conference will be great. The community with the ladies will be great. Don’t miss it. Make the time. Get your money in to Amy Henson this Sunday.

And…our prayer ministry, Just Pray, is sponsoring a Praise & Prayer Workshop on Saturday August 13th from 10:00 – 2:00 PM at Temescal Gateway Park. You may come and go as your schedule dictates. Check your handout on Sunday for more information or contact Richard at

I am praying for your week. The Summer of Love continues on Sunday when we discover that Love Is Humble.

Upcoming Events:

July 30th – Seek N Surf
August 7th – Richie Henson Speaking
August 13th – Praise & Prayer Workshop
August 31st – September 4th – Men’s Ministry Road Trip
September 4th – Guest Speaker – Pastor Bob Henson
September 9th & 10th – Women of Faith Conference

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trips for Men & Women

Thank you to all of you who donated to and served at the Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale on Saturday. We raised $1,500.00 for our missionaries. We will be blessed to be a blessing to them at Christmas time.

Okay, let me keep it real today. I am going to preach…and I may even go to meddling so take it for what it is worth.

Let me talk to men first.
Men we have room for you on our Men’s Ministry Road Trip August 31-September 4. The cost is only $225.00 for a five-day trip with four nights on a houseboat with all of the wakeboarding and personal watercraft that you can stand. That is an absolute bargain! Some of you think that you don’t have time to go or you cannot afford to go, but the truth is you cannot afford not to go. You need the community with other men. You need to be challenged in your walk with Christ. You need to get your junk together because your life, your marriage, and your kids need you to get your junk together. I promise you if you go…our speaker Paul Blue will challenge you. You will change and your life and your relationships will never be the same. It is a small investment to make. You will not regret it.

And…because I am an equal opportunity nag!! Ladies, there are five spots left for the Women of Faith Conference on September 9 & 10. The next five ladies to pay $89.00 get the spots. The women of Venice always have a wonderful time on their retreats. This will not be any different. The conference will be great. The community with the ladies will be great. Don’t miss it. Make the time. And again…$89.00 plus hotel is an absolute bargain. Get your money in to Amy Henson this Sunday.

I am praying for your week. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday when we continue our Summer of Love when we talk about Love Is Not Jealous.

Upcoming Events:
July 30th – Seek N Surf
August 7th – Richie Henson Speaking
August 31st – September 4th – Men’s Ministry Road Trip
September 4th – Guest Speaker – Pastor Bob Henson
September 9th & 10th – Women of Faith Conference

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Women's Ministry Parking Lot Sale

Dear Venice Family,

Thank you to all of you who have brought items for our parking lot sale. It is not too late to bring items. We need more items. If you have items to donate you can bring them and leave them on the porch near the church office or you can even bring them as late as Saturday morning.

We need your help to set up on Saturday morning as well. The setup begins at 7:00 AM. In addition to the women who are coming to set up and run the sale, we need some men to help us Saturday morning to move heavier items like TVs. If you are available, please respond to my email address at I don’t want to have to call you. I can be very persuasive!! It is always better to volunteer than have me track you down. Haha! And…God will get glory from your service.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you Saturday morning at 7:00 AM. Remember…all the proceeds go to a good cause…Christmas Gifts for our missionaries! Thanks for your help and consideration.

Much Love,
Amy Henson

Upcoming Events:
July 16th – Seek N Surf
July 16thth – Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale
August 31st – September 4th – Men’s Ministry Road Trip
September 4th – Guest Speaker – Pastor Bob Henson
September 9th & 10th – Women of Faith Conference

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

At the End of the Day

We have all kinds of qualifiers that we use when we want to say something definitive. We say things like, “when all is said and done”, “when you boil it all down”, but perhaps our favorite these days is, “at the end of the day”. It is really quite effective. At the end of the day he is still a jerk. At the end of the day you have to be able to live with yourself. At the end of the day…it is what it is! (I couldn't resist...)

Jesus had an “at the end of the day.”
Jesus basically said at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is that you love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and body and you love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

The Apostle Paul had an “at the end of the day.”
We see it here and it is the basis for our summer series The Summer of Love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

At the end of the day love is what matters most. Join us this Sunday as we learn to love God and love others.

Venice Church has a new fan page on Facebook. Head over there and “like” our page to get updates on everything happening with our church family.

Upcoming Events:

July 10th – The Summer of Love…an 8 week study in 1 Corinthians 13
July 16th – Seek N Surf
July 16thth – Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale
August 31st – September 4th – Men’s Ministry Road Trip
September 4th – Guest Speaker – Pastor Bob Henson
September 9th & 10th – Women of Faith Conference