venice church

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Have a Great Year

God has been so good to us in 2009. I am looking forward expectantly to what 2010 will bring. Beginning on Sunday we will be talking about how to have a great year. I look forward to seeing you then.

FYI…The office will be closed next week (January 4-8). Amy and I will be on a Conference/Cruise.

Upcoming Events:
January 16th – Men’s Ministry
January 23rd – Women’s Ministry
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just a few more days...

I hope that you are having a wonderful Christmas week. I hope that you will be with us on Christmas Eve. The service will begin at 6:00 PM. Childcare will be provided for the little ones.

Once again you are to be commended. We reached our goal for the Christmas Outreach Offering. We are at $5,438.00 as of today. It is not too late to give. Just drop it in and write Christmas on the envelope.

Upcoming Events:
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 16th – Men’s Ministry
January 23rd – Women’s Ministry
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Your Faithfulness

You rock! As of today the grand total for our Christmas Outreach Offering is $4,748.00. Your faithfulness is amazing. We praise God for His great provision in our lives and for our church. He is good. He is faithful. We praise Him for this offering. And…you still have an opportunity to give. We will wrap up the offering on Sunday. Who will put us over our goal of $5,000.00? If you haven’t given and would like to…just drop it in the basket on Sunday and mark your envelope “Christmas”.

Please pray. The door hangers are beginning to drop. Pray that some far from God would receive the invitation and will come to a service and come to know Christ. That is what it is all about. Please pray that God would draw some into His Kingdom and into Venice Church.

Make plans to be with us on Christmas Eve. The service will begin at 6:00 PM. Childcare will be provided for the little ones.

I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday.

Upcoming Events:
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 16th – Men’s Ministry
January 23rd – Women’s Ministry
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Christmas Offering

Some of you have been asking for it and you got. It’s wintertime (such as it is) in the city. I know that you all have a lot going on…so I am going to attempt to keep this short and sweet today.

Men…your Men’s Ministry Meeting is this Sunday right after the service. Make your plans to be with us and…most of you did not sign up so look for the Men’s Ministry Email and respond to it so they know how much pizza to buy. We always have a great time. Come and join us.

We are continuing to receive our Christmas Outreach Offering. I am very pleased to inform you that we are half way to our goal of $5,000.00. We want to be a blessing to those in our neighborhood who are far from God. The invitations will drop on their doors next week. I know that you want to have a part in this special opportunity to give. I know that God will bless your generosity. Just put your offering in an envelope and write “Christmas” on it.

I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday.

Upcoming Events:
December 6th – 20th Christmas Outreach Offering
December 13th – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 23rd – Women’s Ministry
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Tiger...Come On Man!

I am really disappointed in Tiger Woods. Despite the truth that I know from Scripture, that we all sin and that we are depraved, I always hope for better. I don’t hope for perfection. I know that is not realistic. I hope for better. I want to believe in people. I want to believe that some guy, any guy, is going to excel in his field, make ungodly amounts of money, become a universal icon and not cheat on his wife and his kids. I want to believe that one or some of these guys are not going to become so enamored with it all and so arrogant that they think they are above, not just the law, but basic morality. I hope for one of these guys to realize that you never get away with it.

But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the LORD, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.

Tiger Woods is a guy who makes his living playing a “gentlemen’s game” where the players police the game themselves without need of referees. Tiger would never, ever, think of cheating at golf, but apparently he will cheat on his wife and kids.

One more thing. Don’t these guys ever learn? Will one of them ever learn from Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and the rest? I get it. I know there are plenty of professional athletes that don’t cheat on their wives, but never get accolades for being “normal”. Just once, could the greatest in the world, the greatest of all time, be a man that we could be proud of?

Upcoming Events:
December 6th – 20th Christmas Outreach Offering
December 13th – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 23rd – Women’s Ministry
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Monday, November 23, 2009


Please pray about the part that you will have in our Christmas Outreach Offering. We are going to reach approximately 40,000 residences in our neighborhood with Christmas invitations. I know that you want to share in the blessing of touching lives with the gospel this Christmas. The offering will be received the first three Sundays of December. Just put your offering in an envelope and mark it “Christmas Offering”.

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. It doesn’t get much better than Thanksgiving. In honor of Thanksgiving I offer up…

My Top Ten Thanksgiving Things…
10. Cranberry Sauce.
9. Family.
8. Turkey.
7. Rook (It’s a card game…just so you know.).
6. Sweet Potatoes or Candied Yams (I don’t know the difference).
5. Dressing
4. Cool Whip
3. Golf Outing the day before Thanksgiving.
2. Pumpkin Pie.
1. Football…when the Cowboys win.
(Easy…just a little holiday humor there.)

I hope that each and every one of you has a very Happy Thanksgiving. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Upcoming Events:
December 6th – 20th Christmas Outreach Offering
December 13th – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Thank you so much for all of the cards, emails, and phone calls that we received since my mom went home to be with the Lord. Your love and encouragement have truly uplifted and sustained me during this difficult time. Thank you for being a wonderful church family.

If you have some time on Sunday afternoon we are going to be decorating for Christmas at 2:00 PM in the Worship Center. Your help is greatly appreciated. Make sure that when you come…you bring your Christmas spirit with you! It is always a lot of fun. I hope to see you then. If you have any questions, please email me at

Men, don’t forget your Men’s Ministry Meeting/Breakfast on Saturday morning at 9:00 AM in the kitchen. I know that it is always a great time of fellowship.

Much Love,

Upcoming Events:
November 21st – Men’s Ministry
November 22nd – Christmas Decorating
December 13th – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You

The service for Amy’s mom, Eddie Crice, is Saturday at 11:00 AM. Please pray that God would be glorified as we remember and celebrate a life that was devoted to God and her family. Thank you so much for your outpouring of prayers and support for our family. Our loss is heaven’s gain. Amy’s mom is no longer suffering and we look forward to being reunited with her in heaven some day. We are thankful that God is our comfort and refuge during this time. His grace is sufficient for all of our needs.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 4) He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 5) For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.

We give thanks today to the men and women of our Armed Forces both veterans and currently serving. We thank them for their sacrifice as they fight for our flag and to protect our freedoms.

And…if you are signed up for CLASS 201 on Saturday…this is your reminder. You will meet in the Berean Room at 9:00 AM. If you have any questions please contact Brad or Denise at or .

Upcoming Events:
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ
November 21st – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Get In a Group...

The heartbeat of Venice Church is our small groups. The Services are good, but real community, real fellowship happens in small groups. We have had our introductory lesson and now this Sunday we embark on 40 Days of Love. We are going to learn about love. We are going to learn to love. We are going to practice love. The best place to learn, grow and practice is in a small group.

This is a great time to give a group a try. It is just a six-week commitment. Try one for the next 40 days. They meet just about every evening of the week. You can find one that will serve you well. If you try one and it is not a good fit…then try another one. For a list of small groups check out the website at I would be glad to help you find one that will work for you.

The Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale is this Saturday from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. There is going to be some good stuff for sale and the proceeds will go to our Missionary Families for Christmas. Encourage your friends and neighbors to check out the sale.

Upcoming Events:
November 7th – Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ
November 21st – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Note From Amy...

Trunk or Treat is coming up on Saturday October 31st from 4-7 PM. If you signed up to bring a car or if you would still like to bring a car, please be in the parking lot at 3:00 PM on Saturday. There are still invitations available in the church office. You may come by and pick some up. Please call before you come. This is an outreach to our community, but it is for you and your kids too! Stop by and trick or treat before you hit your neighborhood. I hope to see there.

Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday. Set your clock back one hour when you go to bed on Saturday night.

If you are interested in serving in the Coffee Bar or if you have been serving in the Coffee Bar we will have a meeting right after the service on Sunday…do you know what I mean by right after…immediately after the service on Sunday. If you are interested in serving once a month or even every Sunday we could use your help. I will do my best to answer any and all of your questions at the meeting.

Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale is Saturday November 7th from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Please let me know if you are coming to help at the sale. We have plenty of room for more items. Clean out those closets and bring some stuff to sell. It is for a good cause. We are raising money to send to our Missionaries for Christmas.

On Sunday afternoon, November 22nd at 2:00 PM we will decorate the Worship Center and lobby for Christmas. Your help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you would like to help.

There is a brand new Spanish Speaking Small Group. It is led by Ruben Morales and it meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the EPIC room. The group is presently studying the book of Galatians. If you are interested or if you know somebody who may be please contact Ruben at

There is a lot going on at Venice Church. As you can see there are plenty of opportunities to serve. I hope you will get involved and stay involved.

Upcoming Events:
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love Begins & Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 7th – Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ
November 21st – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Big Week

We are going to be baptizing this Sunday morning right before the service. If you have not been baptized and you would like to be baptized, please let me know by responding to this email and I will fill you in on all the details.

Trunk or Treat is coming up on Saturday October 31st from 4-7 PM and we need your help. We need you to bring your car and decorate it and we need you to donate candy. You can sign up to decorate a car at the information center. You can drop off candy donations in the coffee bar. If you have questions please contact Jennifer at This is a great opportunity to reach out to and minister to our community. Please participate if you can.

Men, don’t forget that your first meeting of Men’s Ministry Season 4 is this Sunday right after the service. For more information hit Brad at

Upcoming Events:
October 25th - Baptism
October 25th – Men’s Ministry
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love & Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 7th – Ladies Parking Lot Sale
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ
November 21st – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We Need Your Help...

The CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family that was scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed. Turns out it was not a good day for those interested. It will be rescheduled asap. CLASS 201, scheduled for November 14th, will proceed as planned.

Trunk or Treat is just two weeks away and we need your help. We need you to bring your car and decorate it and we need you to donate candy. You can sign up to decorate a car at the information center. You can drop off candy donations in the coffee bar. If you have questions please contact Jennifer at This is a great opportunity to reach out to and minister to our community. Please participate if you can.

I will continue Who’s the Boss? on Sunday when we talk about discipline. It should be interesting.
Have a wonderful week.

Upcoming Events:
October 18th – Small Group Leader Meeting
October 25th - Baptism
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love & Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 7th – Ladies Parking Lot Sale
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

New Format

Dear Venice Family,

There is so much going on here at Venice that I cannot possibly talk about all of it in these emails each week. So, beginning with this edition I will include small snippets and announcements that will be attached and included at the bottom. So…be sure to click on the attachments or simply scroll down to see some important information.
This week there are special announcements for women and for those interested in joining a small group.

As for me, I am back in the office today after a quick run to San Diego for a pastor’s conference. We had the opportunity to meet with a couple of great pastors at their great churches. We heard from Mike Meeks at Eastlake Church and from Miles McPherson at the Rock Church. I was encouraged and I know this. God has great things in store for us here at Venice Church. We are right where God wants us doing what He wants us to do. You and I are here to do God’s work. It is a pleasure to serve with you. Let’s keep doing what God has called us to for His honor and glory.

I will see you on Sunday for Message Three in the series Who’s the Boss? This Sunday we are going to talk about…sex! That will give you something to look forward to.


Upcoming Events:
October 17th – CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family
October 18th – Small Group Leader Meeting
October 25th - Baptism
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love & Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 7th – Ladies Parking Lot Sale
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ

Genesis to Revelation Small Group News:
We have completed Song of Solomon, and there was only a small bit of blushing. Coming up on October 8, we will be introducing the prophets and Isaiah. So we are going into some heavy sledding. We'd like to invite all those who are not in a small group to join us for what is likely to be close to a year's journey through Isaiah. We'd like to remind folks that this is a discussion group that thrives on input from all who attend. We are even hopeful of finding those who might want to take on discussion leader functions from time-to-time.

We are currently meeting at 6:45 on Thursday evenings in the Berean Room between the Sunday School Classrooms and the Chapel. Please enter through the Walgrove Ave. side.

Good Morning!
Amy here…hello!!!
I am in need of your help and response. On Saturday November 7th the Women of Venice are having a Parking Lot Sale to raise money to send to our missionaries for Christmas.
To have a successful parking lot sale we need stuff to sell. I need you to let me know if you have some stuff that you would like to sell. And…to have a successful sale we must be organized. I need to know if you can help set up, sell, and/or take down.
So please respond to this email with a “yes I have stuff” and with the specific kind of stuff and if you can help. You can let me know if you have “bigger” stuff and if you need help getting that stuff to the church. Please let me know at
Venice Women’s Parking Lot Sale
Friday, November 6th: Pricing and Set Up
Saturday, November 7th: The Sale from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (clean up to follow immediately)

Thank you for your help.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Red Rock Rocked!

The Red Rock Trip was fantastic! Special thanks to Brad Jensen for planning and organizing our trip. A great time was had by all.

I am so pleased that we had an opportunity to recognize Morris and Millie Ballard before they moved away. I regret to inform you that Morris went home to be with the Lord last week. The family is planning a memorial reception here at Venice Church. It will be on Saturday October 10th. The time is tentatively set for 3:00 PM in the Berean Room. More details will follow.

And…God has answered our prayers and Anita Kamberg is home. She is continuing her recovery and would like to express her thanks to all of you in the Venice family who have been faithful to pray for her. Please continue to pray for her full recovery. We will look forward to having her with us in services very soon.

I look forward to seeing you and worshiping with you on Sunday. Don’t forget that this Sunday is the L.A. Triathlon. If you live south of Venice Blvd., getting to church could be a problem. Please go here for street closures and alternate routes.

Upcoming Events:
October 3rd – Venice United Soccer
October 4th – L.A. Triathlon – (Go to for street closures.)
October 17th – CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family
October 18th – Small Group Leader Meeting
October 25th - Baptism
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love
November 7th – Ladies Parking Lot Sale
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ

Thursday, September 24, 2009

God's Plan For the Family

Amy and I arrived home safely this morning at 5:30.
Thank you for your prayers.
We had a wonderful vacation in Hawaii.
God is so good!

It is a big week and a short week (for me).
This Sunday I will begin our new series called "Who's the Boss?".
We will discuss God's plan for the family.
I look forward to seeing you then.

Upcoming Events:

September 25th – Red Rock Prayer Meeting & Orientation

September 26th – Seek N Surf

September 27th-29th – Red Rock Trip

October 3rd – Venice United Soccer

October 4th – L.A. Triathlon – (Go to for street closures.)

October 17th – CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family

October 18th – Small Group Leader Meeting

October 25th - Baptism

October 31st – Trunk or Treat

November 1st – 40 Days of Love

November 7th – Ladies Parking Lot Sale

November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Amy and I leave tomorrow. We will return on the 24th.
I know that you will enjoy your time together over the next couple of Sundays. We will miss you and will look forward to seeing you on the 27th.
I will begin the family series “Who’s the Boss?” that day. I am looking forward to it.

Upcoming Events:
September 13th – Guest Speaker: Bob Henson
September 20th – Guest Speaker: Jim Gane
September 27th-29th – Red Rock Trip
October 3rd – Venice United Soccer
October 4th – L.A. Triathlon – (Go to for street closures.)
October 17th – CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family
October 18th – Small Group Leader Meeting
October 25th - Baptism
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love
November 7th – Ladies Parking Lot Sale
November 14th – CLASS 201: Growing to be Like Christ

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Longest Week Ever

This has to be the longest week of each and every year. No…it is not long because it is the final week of August/first week of September. It is the longest week of the year because it is the week before Amy and I go on vacation!! Longest week ever!!
So we are grinding away. Doing our thing. Getting ready for another great Sunday with you. We will wrap up our series “Crossroads”.

When we get back I will begin a new series called “Who’s the Boss?” It is a parenting series. I am praying that God will use it in our lives. It doesn’t matter if you are single, married, a single parent, a mom, a dad, an aunt, an uncle or a grandparent I believe this series will minister to you as we come to understand God’s plan for the family.

Do your best to stay cool! See you on Sunday.

This Saturday:
Seek N Surf: Santa Monica Beach – 7:00 AM Lifeguard Tower #24 ( for more information.)

Venice United Soccer: Marine Park – 1:00 PM. (contact for more information.)

Upcoming Events:

September 13th – Guest Speaker: Bob Henson
September 20th – Guest Speaker: Jim Gane
September 27th-29th – Red Rock Trip
October 4th – L.A. Triathlon – (Go to for street closures.)
October 17th – CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family
October 18th – Small Group Leader Meeting
October 25th - Baptism
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love
November 7th – CLASS 201: Growing to Be Like Christ

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hoe Down!

I am looking forward to the Country Hoe Down Dance this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM. Thea, our resident dance instructor, will be there to teach us the two-step. There will be prizes for the best cowboy and cowgirl outfit. We will have a great time together. Tickets will be available at the door.

There is a ton of stuff going on here at Venice. I hope that you will stay involved as the summer winds down. For all of you going to Red Rock, please continue to get your money in and you will begin hearing from Brad frequently by email. I can’t wait for Red Rock. It will be a blast.

Please continue to pray for Anita Kamberg. She has been moved to a rehab facility. You can continue to get updates here:

Upcoming Events:
August 29th – Seek In Surf
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 13th – Guest Speaker: Bob Henson
September 20th – Guest Speaker: Jim Gane
September 27th-29th – Red Rock Trip
October 17th – CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family
October 18th – Small Group Leader Meeting
October 25th - Baptism
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love
November 7th – CLASS 201: Growing to Be Like Christ

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Soccer, Super Sunday and Other Stuff

It is amazing to watch God put ministry on the hearts of our people. Over the last couple of years we have seen a prayer ministry and a surfing ministry spring up. We have a group of young adults in our church that play Ultimate Frisbee for the sole purpose of connecting with people far from God. And now…we have some soccer enthusiasts that would like to do something similar. They are calling themselves Venice United and they are going to be at Penmar Park on Saturday at 11:30 AM. So bring your lunch and your best step over and join them for some soccer. For more information contact Richie Henson at

To celebrate their hard work, our Rockstars are rewarded with a Super Sunday every four weeks. This Sunday is Super Sunday and they will be playing water games outside. Please be sure to send your child in clothes that you do not mind getting dirty and wet. We want to have a Super time without being Super soaked in our nice clothes! For more information please contact Jennifer Villaryo (310.384.5694) or Becky Henson (310.435.4377).

Make your plans to join us for the Country Hoe Down Dance on August 29th. Thea, our resident dance instructor, will be there to teach us the two-step. There will be prizes for the best cowboy and cowgirl outfit. We will have a great time together. Tickets are $5.00 and are on sale now.

Please continue to pray for Anita Kamberg. She is still in the hospital. You can get updates here:

Upcoming Events:
August 22nd – VeniceUnited Soccer
August 23rd – Rockstars Super Sunday
August 29th – Seek In Surf
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 13th – Guest Speaker: Bob Henson
September 20th – Guest Speaker: Jim Gane
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The Monday night young adult small group is collecting clean, gently worn clothes and shoes for Bible Tabernacle in Venice. Clothes and shoes for men, women, and children are needed. Please bring clothes and shoes without holes, stains, and tears. Please no missing buttons or laces. Costco and Smart & Final gift cards are welcome donations as well. Collection boxes will be located right outside the worship center. Thank you for your help with this service project.

Make your plans to join us for the Country Hoe Down Dance on August 29th. Thea, our resident dance instructor, will be there to teach us the two-step. There will be prizes for the best cowboy and cowgirl outfit. We will have a great time together. Tickets are $5.00 and are on sale now.

Let me offer this for your consideration. Please make note of the dates below and please read your handout on Sunday mornings. Most of the information that you need can be found there. We are doing our best to limit the audio announcements in the Sunday service.

Please continue to pray for Anita Kamberg. She is still in the hospital. You can get updates here:

Upcoming Events:
August 22nd – VeniceUnited Soccer
August 23rd – Rockstars Super Sunday
August 29th – Seek In Surf
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 13th – Guest Speaker: Bob Henson
September 20th – Guest Speaker: Jim Gane
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip
October 31st – Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Lots Going On

I know that many of you are looking forward to the Red Rock Trip. It is time to get your money in! The cost is $200.00 per person. There is specific information coming your way very soon. And…there is still room for a few more. Sign up and get your deposit in. Don’t miss this wonderful time of fun, community, and growth.

Make your plans to join us for the Country Hoe Down Dance on August 29th. Thea, our resident dance instructor, will be there to teach us the two-step. There will be prizes for the best cowboy and cowgirl outfit. We will have a great time together. Tickets are $5.00 and are on sale now.

We continue our study in Colossians on Sunday. We will be in chapter 3 once more for part 2 of our message: Your New Life. We will finish up the series on August 16th when we talk about New Life Relationships.

Let me offer this for your consideration. Please make note of the dates below and please read your handout on Sunday mornings. Most of the information that you need can be found there. We are doing our best to limit the audio announcements in the Sunday service.

Please continue to pray for Anita Kamberg. She is still in the hospital. You can get updates here:

Upcoming Events:
August 22nd – VeniceUnited Soccer
August 23rd – Rockstars Super Sunday
August 29th – Seek In Surf
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 13th – Guest Speaker: Bob Henson
September 20th – Guest Speaker: Jim Gane
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip
October 31st – Trunk or Treat
November 1st – 40 Days of Love

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Keep Praying

Thank you for your continued prayer for Anita Kamberg. She is still in the hospital, but is making progress in her recovery. Your prayers are making a difference.

Every year the dog days of summer hit this time of year. It seems like every year that our offerings go through the “dog days” as well. I want to encourage you to be faithful to give as God is faithful to bless you. I know that these are difficult economic times. The offerings in July left a bit to be desired. Please pray with me that August will be better. We need to finish the summer well so that we may have a strong fall where people give their lives to Christ and members are added to the church.

The church picnic was a big success. We had a great time together. Let me encourage you to make plans to be at the Country Hoe Down Dance on August 29th. Thea, our resident dance instructor, will be there to teach us the two-step. There will be prizes for the best cowboy and cowgirl outfit. We will have a great time together. Tickets are $5.00 and will be on sale beginning Sunday.

I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.

Upcoming Events:
July 31st – Just Pray @ 7:00 PM @ Venice Boardwalk
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 13th – Guest Speaker: Bob Henson
September 20th – Guest Speaker: Jim Gane
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Venice Church Picnic

The Venice Church Picnic is this Saturday at Syd Kronenthal Park in Culver City. (To get there…go east on Venice Blvd. and make a right on Helms and then a left on Washington and then a right on McManus and go all the way to the dead end.) We have a spot reserved from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. We have two covered picnic areas, two barbecues, a playground, a basketball court, a softball diamond, and room for soccer, football, and other junk. Sorry…you may not bring your dog or your barbecue. You may want to bring your beach chair. I am looking forward to seeing you there.

Hey, it is not too late to sign up for Red Rock. There are about 9 spaces left. It is going to be a blast. Some of you have no excuse for not going! You know who you are. Stop dragging your feet. Sign up! Get your deposit in. For more information contact Brad at

Upcoming Events:
July 25th – Church Picnic @ Kronenthal Park
July 26th – Seek N Surf @ Venice Pier 7:00 PM
July 31st – Just Pray @ 7:00 PM @ Venice Boardwalk
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


This Sunday is a Super Sunday in Rockstars. It is a great day for your kids to invite a friend. There will be lots of games and a really fun time with other kids. Encourage them to bring a friend to Rockstars this Sunday at 10:00 AM.

I hope that you are all planning to join us for the Church Picnic on Saturday July 25th. It will be a great time of just hanging out and enjoying some time together. This is also a great opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor. Bring somebody with you. We have space reserved at Kronenthal Park from 10:00 AM t0 3:00 PM. Bring your lunch and stay as long as you like.

Hey, it is not too late to sign up for Red Rock. There are about 9 spaces left. It is going to be a blast. Some of you have no excuse for not going! You know who you are. Stop dragging your feet. Sign up! Get your deposit in. For more information contact Brad at

Just a reminder that you can always read the Touching Base at my blog at

Upcoming Events:
July 25th – Church Picnic @ Kronenthal Park
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


I am big on perspective. I think that it pretty much means everything. As Christ followers, our ability to see things from God’s perspective is literally everything. I have noticed that if I will pay attention, God will put things in perspective and keep things in perspective for me. Sometimes that amounts to a gentle nudge or a big proverbial smack upside the head. It may be manifest in another Christ follower or comrade in ministry calling me out. It may hit home in the form of a gentle reminder that it is not about me.

Perspective even rocks my world in the gym. This week I resumed my workouts after a week off and I was not very motivated. I did alright during my lifting. I mean, I was doing an arm workout and its beach season. That is motivation. I wasn’t, however, very motivated to do my cardio work on the elliptical and I was rationalizing and making excuses about how to get out of doing my cardio work, but I drug myself up there and began to do the work, all the while grumbling on the inside when I was given a swift kick in the basketball shorts. An amputee complete with prosthetic from what appeared to be from the knee down jumps up on the elliptical next to me and goes to work. That will give you some perspective and in my case, the motivation that you need to get over yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself. It did motivate me. I never cease to be amazed at what a sissy I can be. I didn’t meet the man. I didn’t talk to the man. I thank him for the perspective.

Hey, it is not too late to sign up for Red Rock. There are about 9 spaces left. It is going to be a blast. Some of you have no excuse for not going! You know who you are. Stop dragging your feet. Sign up! Get your deposit in. For more information contact Brad at

Upcoming Events:
July 25th – Church Picnic @ Kronenthal Park
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer Time

Summer is officially here. There has even been an occasional appearance by the sun. I hope that you have big plans for your summer and I encourage you to stay connected to the Venice Church family.

We have a good message series planned for you during July and August. We are going to study through the book of Colossians. If you miss a Sunday, just pick up a cd at the information counter and you will hear every message.

My summer really begins next week. Amy and I will be out of town next week. The office will be open on Monday June 29th, but then will be closed for the rest of the week.

For most of us summer will not end until we get back from the Red Rock Trip. Sign-ups have begun and there are more than 30 people signed up. The first 50 are in for the trip. Some of you have no excuse for not going! You know who you are. Stop dragging your feet. Sign up! Get your deposit in. For more information contact Brad at

Upcoming Events:
July 25th – Church Picnic @ Kronenthal Park
August 29th – Country Hoe Down Dance
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Get Your Deposit In

Please pray for the Epic Student Ministry Ski Trip & Camp. They leave on Friday and return on Wednesday. Please pray for their safety on the roads and at the lake. Pray that God will move among our teenagers.

This Sunday is Father’s Day. We encourage everyone to wear their favorite team jersey or shirt to the service that day. One lucky dad will walk away with a family four pack of tickets to an upcoming Dodger game. They are in the all-you-can-eat pavilion and parking is included.

Seek N’ Surf BBQ will be Saturday June 27th. Surfing from 7-11 AM at Ventura County Line followed by barbecue at Manny & Leanna’s house. For information contact the ministry at

Red Rock Trip: Sign-ups have begun and there are more than 30 people signed up. The first 50 are in for the trip. You do not want to miss this. It will be great and I guarantee that you will enjoy our speaker Jim Baize. He is a lot of fun and a dynamic speaker. What could be better than hanging out with me for three days? Seriously! For more information contact Brad at

There is so much going on at Venice Church and I am glad that all of you are a part of it. We praise God for the members that were added to the church last Saturday and for those that were baptized on Sunday. God is so good. There is nothing better than seeing lives changed!

Upcoming Events:
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day (Sports Jersey Day & Dodger Tickets)
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting
July 25th – Church Picnic @ Kronenthal Park
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


It is so exciting to be a part of what God is doing here at Venice. There is so much going on and there are so many lives being changed. God is good and I look forward to what He will continue to do.

There are two very important opportunities this weekend.
On Saturday I will host and teach CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family. If you would like to know more about Venice Church or if you are interested in joining Venice Church this class is for you. It is very laid back. We will be serving a light breakfast. It all begins Saturday morning at 9:00 AM. I will have you out by lunch time. The class meets in the back of the church plant. Please enter through the gate between the hedges on the Walgrove Ave. side of the church.

Sunday morning we will be baptizing in the worship center just before the service. The baptism will be at 9:45. If you are planning to be baptized, please meet me at the piano at 9:30. Bring your bathing suit and a T-shirt. We will supply the towels and hair dryers and everything else you may need.

Here are a couple of other important announcements…

Father’s Day: Father’s Day is Sunday June 21st. We encourage everyone to wear their favorite team jersey or shirt to the service that day. One lucky dad will walk away with a family four pack of tickets to an upcoming Dodger game. They are in the all-you-can-eat pavilion and parking is included.

Red Rock Trip: Sign-ups have begun and there are more than 30 people signed up. The first 50 are in for the trip. You do not want to miss this. It will be great and I guarantee that you will enjoy our speaker Jim Baize. He is a lot of fun and a dynamic speaker. Your deposit of $50.00 is due on Sunday. For more information contact Brad at

You will find more fun stuff listed below. Please mark your calendars and plan to participate.

Upcoming Events:
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day (Sports Jersey Day & Dodger Tickets)
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting
July 25th – Church Picnic @ Kronenthal Park
September 27-29 – Red Rock Trip

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Lots To Do

There is so much going on that I must commit this week’s Touching Base to information for you.

So…here you go. Learn it. Know it. Live it.

Attention Rockstars Parents: There is a change to the Sunday morning schedule. Take One has been suspended immediately and the children will no longer be worshipping with us on Sunday mornings. Please check your child into their Studio before you come to the Worship Center. Studios will be open no later than 9:45 AM each Sunday morning.

Epic Camp Fund Raiser: Epic Youth Ministry is hosting a free lunch this Sunday right after the service. It is a fund raiser to help students go to camp. Come for the free food and bring your check book and help a teenager go to camp. You can give a full scholarship ($200.00), a partial scholarship or any amount that you can. Every little bit will help. The camp is June 19th -24th. For more information contact Daniel & Kristen at

Father’s Day:
Father’s Day is Sunday June 21st. We encourage everyone to wear their favorite team jersey or shirt to the service that day. One lucky dad will walk away with a family four pack of tickets to an upcoming Dodger game. They are in the all-you-can-eat pavilion and parking is included.

Red Rock Trip:
Sign-ups have begun and there are already 30 people signed up. The first 50 are in for the trip. You do not want to miss this. It will be great and I guarantee that you will enjoy our speaker Jim Baize. He is a lot of fun and a dynamic speaker. For more information contact Brad at
You will find more fun stuff listed below. Please mark your calendars and plan to participate.

Upcoming Events:
June 7th – EPIC Youth Ministry Camp Fund Raiser
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day (Sports Jersey Day & Dodger Tickets)
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

I hope that you are having a wonderful Memorial Day! It is good and right to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Thank you to all who have served us in our armed forces. The families of those who have lost loved ones are in our prayers today.

Attention Rockstars Parents: There is a change to the Sunday morning schedule. Take One has been suspended immediately and the children will no longer be worshipping with us on Sunday mornings. Please check your child into their Studio before you come to the Worship Center. Studios will be open no later than 9:45 AM each Sunday morning.

FYI…Amy and I are going to Palm Springs for a few days this week. The church office will be closed Wednesday – Friday.

Upcoming Events:
June 6th – Seek & Surf
June 7th – EPIC Youth Ministry Camp Fund Raiser
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day (Sports Jersey Day & Dodger Tickets)
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Is On the Way

The end of the school year is quickly approaching and summer is just around the corner. As you can see by the calendar of events, this summer is jam packed here at Venice Church. Please mark your calendars and make your plans to be a part of all that is happening.

Please make note of these special announcements. These events are approaching quickly.

We have many unique ministries here at Venice Church. One of them is our Seek & Surf ministry. It cranks up every summer and it gets started on Saturday June 6th. It is for surfers and those learning to surf. It is a time for those seeking God and interested in surfing to get together and hang out and study the Bible and…well…surf. For more information, get in touch with Marc Bagasao.

If you have not joined our church by completing CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family and would like to, then make your plans to attend the class on Saturday June 13th @ 9:00 AM. The class is designed to answer your questions about Venice Church. You can enroll in the class by marking the box on the back of your response card on Sunday morning or by responding to this email.
If you have not been baptized and would like to be baptized then Sunday June 14th is for you. We will baptize right before the service at about 9:45 AM. You can sign up to be baptized on the back of your response card on Sunday or by responding to this email.

Just a reminder…you can read each week’s touching base on my blog at You can also link to the blog from our church website

Upcoming Events:
June 6th – Seek & Surf
June 7th – EPIC Youth Ministry Camp Fund Raiser
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day (Sports Jersey Day & Dodger Tickets)
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Seek & Surf

I am seriously praising God for His wonderful work here at Venice Church. This past Sunday we had our best attendance in years (excluding Christmas & Easter) with 175 in attendance! God is truly good and it is great to be a part of what He is doing in our neighborhood.

That being said, we need your help. I know this is a lot to ask, but I must ask so that we may all fit in the worship center. As you make your way into the worship center, please try to fill up the section on the east side of the building and…sit toward the middle and the front. Late arrivers typically head down the outside aisles looking for a seat. Many times these late arrivers are visitors or guests. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Our desire is to fill up this one service on a regular basis. If we do, we will definitely set the wheels in motion for a second service. We are praying for that day. God is good…all of the time.

We have many unique ministries here at Venice Church. One of them is our Seek & Surf ministry. It cranks up every summer and it gets started on Saturday June 6th. It is for surfers and those learning to surf. It is a time for those seeking God and interested in surfing to get together and hang out and study the Bible and…well…surf. For more information, get in touch with Marc Bagasao. If you are not familiar with the name…Marc is the sax and keyboard guy in the band.

If you have not joined our church by completing CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family and would like to, then make your plans to attend the class on Saturday June 13th @ 9:00 AM. The class is designed to answer your questions about Venice Church. You can enroll in the class by marking the box on the back of your response card on Sunday morning or by responding to this email.

If you have not been baptized and would like to be baptized then Sunday June 14th is for you. We will baptize right before the service at about 9:45 AM. You can sign up to be baptized on the back of your response card on Sunday or by responding to this email.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Ten Things I Think

1. I think that of all of the Hallmark holidays, Mother’s Day may be the most worthy.
2. I think that my mom is going to have a big old mansion in heaven for putting up with my father, brother, and me.
3. I think that we think that our moms are brilliant from birth to age 12 and then we think that they get incredibly ignorant until we are about age 25 and then suddenly they are brilliant again.
4. I think that my mom is great, but not as great as my kid’s mom.
5. I think the saying, “A face only a mother could love,” is true and there are many other features and factors that you could put in place of “face”.
6. I think that Father’s Day takes a backseat to Mother’s Day and it should.
7. I think that men over 40 should not wear sports jerseys…except on Father’s Day at Venice Church.
8. I think that this Men’s Ministry season was a huge success. Thanks to Brad and his entire team for a great year.
9. I think that our Easter outreach program was a huge success. With the exception of this last Sunday our attendance has jumped about 15 each week. It is great to see first time visitors every week.
10. I think…okay I know… that the NFL season is only 128 days away. Football, you bet!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Men's Ministry This Sunday

Last week it was the Women’s Ministry in the spotlight and this week Men’s Ministry comes to the fore.

This Sunday, May 3rd, we have our end of season BBQ at Bob Tripp’s house immediately following the worship service. It will be a great time. We always have outstanding food. Richie Henson will wrap up our season-long prayer curriculum and you will get all of the 411 on the upcoming Men’s Ministry Road Trip and season. I will look forward to seeing you all there. As always you can find Men’s Ministry info at there blog at

The following Sunday, May 10th, is Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to honor your mom, wife, and mother of your children on that special day. We will be honoring all of the moms in our worship service.

And finally…on Father’s Day, June 24th, we are encouraging everybody (men, women, boys & girls) to wear their favorite sports jersey or shirt to the service. We are giving away a family four pack of Dodger tickets in the all-you-can-eat pavilion (plus parking) to one lucky dad in attendance that day.

Upcoming Events:
May 3rd – Men’s Ministry
May 10th – Mother’s Day
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

For Women Only

Hey! How are you doing?

This Saturday at 10:00 AM is our Women’s Ministry Career Building Seminar. Our speakers will share these topics: prayer, leadership, goal setting, & discipline. Our speakers will share these topics in the context of home, work, and church.

If you have not signed up and you are planning to attend, please respond to this email. We are preparing a light breakfast and gift for each lady in attendance. The cost is $5.00 per person.

If you are an amazing woman and have all of these areas of your life together already…just come and enjoy the fellowship with the other ladies of Venice that are struggling.

With Love,


Upcoming Events:

April 25th – Women’s Ministry Career Seminar

May 3rd – Men’s Ministry

May 10th – Mother’s Day

June 13th – CLASS 101

June 14th – Baptism

June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip

June 21st – Father’s Day

June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am rejoicing over the wonderful blessings of this past weekend! We had a total attendance of 360 in our three services and we handed out over 50 gift bags to first time visitors. Some of our visitors have already expressed a desire to come back again. We praise God for His wonderful works. We continue to pray that God would call many into His family and into our church family.

Special thanks to our Communication Team for their smarts and hard work in promoting our Easter services. We are truly blessed to have so many talented people using their talent for God.

Over the last couple of days our Panama Missions Team has returned home safely. We can look forward to hearing their stories and testimonies over the coming weeks.
There is so much exciting stuff going on that it is difficult to contain myself. It is a joy to share in all of it with you. I look forward to all that God has planned for us here at Venice Church.

This Sunday we begin a new series called Leaving a Lasting Legacy. I look forward to seeing you then.

Upcoming Events:
April 25th – Women’s Ministry Career Seminar
May 3rd – Men’s Ministry
May 10th – Mother’s Day
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


It is Easter week. Many of you probably already know this because you got an Easter Service invite on your front door! (The attached picture is from the Cope's home.) Please continue to pray over the next few days as 25,000 households are invited to our services this weekend. Pray that many will attend and that God will call some to faith in Christ and into His family.

If you did not get a door hanger…here is this week’s lineup. There will be a Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM. Studio Green (nursery) and Studio Blue will be open on Friday night. We will have two services on Easter Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 AM. Rockstars will run during both services.

Our Panama Missions Team will be in Panama until Sunday. Please pray for their safety and that God will continue to work through them. We look forward to a wonderful report upon their return.

It is an exciting week. I am thrilled to be sharing it with you.

Upcoming Events:

April 2nd – April 12th – Panama Missions Trip

April 10th – Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM.

April 12th – Easter: Two Services @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM.

April 25th – Women’s Ministry Potluck

May 3rd – Men’s Ministry

May 10th – Mother’s Day

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Touching Base

Next week is Easter week. I hope that you are planning to worship with us and have invited somebody to attend with you. We have three opportunities for you. There will be a Good Friday Service on April 10th @ 7:00 PM. We will have two services on Easter Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 AM.

Our Panama Missions Team is just a couple of days from departing to Panama. Please pray for their safety and that God will accomplish His will through them. We look forward to a wonderful report upon their return. They will return April 12th.

Upcoming Events:

April 2nd – April 12th – Panama Missions Trip

April 10th – Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM.

April 12th – Easter: Two Services @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM.

April 25th – Women’s Ministry Potluck

May 3rd – Men’s Ministry

May 10th – Mother’s Day

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

There are some wonderful opportunities for ministry this week and in the coming weeks.
Please take advantage of these opportunities.

Our Prayer Ministry Team is planning a very special prayer meeting this Friday night March 27th. It will be an “all-night” meeting beginning at 7:30 and continuing until midnight. Make your plans to come and pray some time during the evening. Of course you are invited to pray with them every Sunday morning at 9:00.

This Sunday during the service we will have a special time of prayer over our Panama Missions Team. We will gather around them and pray for them. They leave for Panama next Thursday.

Men, your next Men’s Ministry meeting will be this Sunday right after the service. For more information, check out the Men’s Ministry blog. You can link to it from our website

Easter is just a couple of weeks away. Please begin making your plans to celebrate with us. We have three services planned. There will be a Good Friday Service on April 10th @ 7:00 PM. We will have two services on Easter Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 AM. And…it is a great time to invite somebody to come to church with you. It just might change their life now and for eternity.

Upcoming Events:
Every Sunday @ 9:15: Take One for Rockstars
March 27th – “All-Night” Prayer Meeting
March 29th – Men’s Ministry after the morning service.
April 2nd – April 12th – Panama Missions Trip
April 10th – Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM.
April 12th – Easter: Two Services @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM.
April 25th – Women’s Ministry Potluck

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

God is good!

God is so good! You all did good too! Because of the faithfulness and goodness of God and because of your faithfulness to God we were able to raise $3,333.00 for our Panama team this past Sunday. I want all of the credit to go where it is due. You are to be commended for your generosity. Good people of Venice Church, thank you for caring for the lost and needy of Panama. All praise to God for His wonderful blessings. Without the blessings and generosity of God you would not have had an offering to give. God is so good! We praise Him wonderful name.

And now…a few quick reminders.

Our Prayer Ministry Team is planning a very special prayer meeting for Friday night March 27th. It will be an “all-night” meeting beginning at 7:00 and continuing until midnight. Make your plans to come and pray some time during the evening. Of course you are invited to pray with them every Sunday morning at 9:00.

Men, your next Men’s Ministry meeting will be Sunday March 29th right after the service. For more information, check out the Men’s Ministry blog. You can link to it from our website

Easter is less than one month away. Please begin making your plans to celebrate with us. We have three services planned. There will be a Good Friday Service on April 10th @ 7:00 PM. We will have two services on Easter Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 AM. And…it is a great time to invite somebody to come to church with you. It just might change their life now and for eternity.

Upcoming Events:
Every Sunday @ 9:15: Take One for Rockstars
March 27th – “All-Night” Prayer Meeting
March 29th – Men’s Ministry after the morning service.
April 2nd – April 12th – Panama Missions Trip
April 10th – Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM.
April 12th – Easter: Two Services @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Make Your Plans

Please continue to pray and make plans to participate in our Panama Missions Offering. The offering will be received this Sunday March 15th. We need to raise $3,000.00 for construction supplies, Vacation Bible School supplies, and other supplies. We are excited about our team going to the mission field. You can have a part in what God will do in Panama by giving to this offering.

Our Prayer Ministry Team is planning a very special prayer meeting for Friday night March 27th. It will be an “all-night” meeting beginning at 7:00 and continuing until midnight. Make your plans to come and pray some time during the evening. Of course you are invited to pray with them every Sunday morning at 9:00.

Easter is about one month away. Please begin making your plans to celebrate with us. We have three services planned. There will be a Good Friday Service on April 10th @ 7:00 PM. We will have two services on Easter Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 AM. And…it is a great time to invite somebody to come to church with you. It just might change their life now and for eternity.

Upcoming Events:
Every Sunday @ 9:15: Take One for Rockstars
March 15th – Panama Missions Project Offering
March 29th – “All-Night” Prayer Meeting
April 2nd – April 12th – Panama Missions Trip
April 10th – Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM.
April 12th – Easter: Two Services @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Spring Forward

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday. Don’t forget to set your clock forward one hour before you go to bed Saturday night. I don’t want you to be late for church on Sunday!

Please continue to pray and make plans to participate in our Panama Missions Offering. The offering will be received on Sunday March 15th. We need to raise $3,000.00 for construction supplies, Vacation Bible School supplies, and other supplies. We are excited about our team going to the mission field. You can have a part in what God will do in Panama by giving to this offering.

Easter is just a little over one month away. Please begin making your plans to celebrate with us. We have three services planned. There will be a Good Friday Service on April 10th @ 7:00 PM. We will have two services on Easter Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 AM. And…it is a great time to invite somebody to come to church with you. It just might change their life now and for eternity.

Upcoming Events:
Every Sunday @ 9:15: Take One for Rockstars
March 7th – Men’s Ministry Service Project
March 15th – Panama Missions Project Offering
April 10th – Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM.
April 12th – Easter: Two Services @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


In just about one month a team of volunteers from Venice Church will head to Panama to minister to and serve the good people there. With your help they have raised the funds necessary to get them to the field. Now they need us to help them with the supplies that they will need on their missions trip.

On Sunday March 15th we will receive a special missions offering for those supplies. Our team will be helping two churches with construction projects. They will also be hosting a Vacation Bible School for which they will need supplies. The bottom line is that we need to raise $3,000.00 dollars with this offering. Please begin praying about the part that you can play in giving to this offering. Then come prepared to give, over and above your regular tithes and offerings, to this special offering. You may not be going to Panama, but you can have a part in the lives that will be changed!

Upcoming Events:
Every Sunday @ 9:15: Take One for Rockstars
March 1st – Communion
March 7th – Men’s Ministry Service Project
March 15th – Panama Missions Project Offering
April 10th – Good Friday Service @ 7:00 PM.
April 12th – Easter: Two Services @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Stuff

I want to remind you and encourage you to attend one of our prayer meetings. There is a prayer meeting every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM in the library/conference room. There is a prayer meeting this Friday night at 7:30 on the Worship Center. The prayer meetings are very informal and all are welcome. If you have questions please contact Richard Guerrero at

There is a new ministry opportunity with our Rockstars Childrens Ministry. It is called Take One and it meets every Sunday morning at 9:15 upstairs in the studio area. Take One is an opportunity for your child to hang out with other kids and play together before the service begins. So come early and let your child have fun while you enjoy a cup of something warm in the coffee bar. For more information contact Jennifer at

And ladies, don’t forget your potluck on Saturday at noon. You are going to be celebrating all that God has done during Ladies Ministry service month. I know that you will have a great time.

Upcoming Events:
February 24th – Music Auditions
March 1st – Communion
March 7th – Men’s Ministry Service Project

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Free Babysitting

Just in case you haven’t noticed, with all of the jewelry, candy, and card ads, it is Valentine’s week. The wonderful women of Venice would love to serve the couples of Venice by offering free babysitting on Valentine’s Day. The sitting service will be provided from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the church.

We will check in your child in the chapel beginning at 5:00 PM.

Men, if you need help planning a date with your Valentine ask her to help you! Tell her that you have the kids taken care of.


Upcoming Events:
February 21st – Women’s Ministry Potluck
February 24th – Music Auditions
March 1st – Communion
March 7th – Men’s Ministry Service Project

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

This Is It

I hope that you are doing your life work this week. Don’t forget to make a list of things that you would do if you only had one month to live. Remember, you are going to have to narrow it down. Get your list down to what really matters most. You will learn a lot about how you are and what you are really all about.

I have to tell you that I was both startled and somewhat embarrassed by my first few attempts. Be diligent and really focus on what is really important to you. The good news is…it is between you and God. You don’t have to share your list with anybody.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday when we continue with the series This Is It. Message Two is Deepening Relationships. Have a great week and plan to be involved in some of the upcoming events. You will not be sorry.

Upcoming Events:

February 8th – Men’s Ministry

February 21st – Women’s Ministry

February 24th – Music Auditions

March 1st – Communion

March 7th – Men’s Ministry Service Project