venice church

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ten Things I Think

1. I think that the church in America is really going to miss Jerry Falwell. He was a bit too political for my taste and I certainly have not always agreed with him or his approach, yet I know that He loved God and people. I know that he was often misunderstood. This side of heaven we will never know the impact that he made in God’s Kingdom. I know that his contribution is enormous.

2. I think that as our Rockstars Children’s Ministry and Shockwave Student Ministry continue to transition they will arrive at a place where our children and students are being ministered to in an accepting and wonderful environment where they can grow to love God and people and it will be a place that they would be happy to bring their friends.

3. I think that Jordin Sparks is going to win American Idol. I think that Melinda Doolittle is a better singer, but Jordin has more appeal.

4. I think that our immigration issues are much bigger than L.A., California, and even the United States. I believe that there are Kingdom ramifications. Please pray for our lawmakers. Please pray for God’s will to be done.

5. I think the San Antonio Spurs have turned into the Detroit Pistons of the late 80’s and early 90’s.

6. I think that you could hear weeping and wailing from my house last night as Gilmore Girls went off the air for good. Okay, it wasn’t that bad, but Amy is really upset about losing her show.

7. I think that, for a church our size, we have a ton of musical talent. Some of that talent is untapped. If you are interested in playing or singing in our church’s band…keep your eyes open for upcoming auditions. William Hung need not apply!

8. I think doctors need to make up their mind. Should we take vitamins or not?

9. I think that next year’s presidential election is going to be close and I can tell you that when I look at the Republican candidates…none of them knock my socks off! Boring!

10. I think that every man in Venice ought to do their best to go on the Road Trip this year. The trip gets bigger and better every year. You guys do not want to miss this.

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