venice church

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


I hope that your New Year is off to a good start with all of your resolutions in place. My resolution this year was “no resolutions”. Don’t get me wrong. I am working on me and God is really working on me, but I didn’t want to deal with failed resolutions.

My desire for each one of us and for our church is pretty much the same every year. I want us to love God and people more. Jesus teaches us that if we love God with all that we have and love our neighbor as ourselves everything else will fall into place. Let’s attack that with some resolve in 2009. As always we will do our best to encourage you to live this way through our teaching and through our small groups and through our ministries.

We are talking about Venice Values on Sunday mornings. One of the things that we value is staying power. We will talk about staying with God’s plan for the long haul this Sunday. I hope to see you then.

Upcoming Events:
January 10th – Men’s Ministry Meeting
January 25th – Annual Business Meeting
February 8th – Men’s Ministry
February 21st – Women’s Ministry

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