venice church

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year

I hope that your “tweener” week is going well. I am praying that you are getting some time to rest and/or catch up on things at work.

I am excited about the New Year and I am excited about what God is doing in you and in Venice Church. I am excited about how God is working through you and through Venice Church.

We are going to hit the ground running this Sunday with this new series “Live Like There’s No Tomorrow”. Many believe that the world will end in 2012. We are going to talk about the validity of that belief and what it means to our lives.

And then…and then…beginning on Sunday January 16th we are going to begin a series called “SEXpectations”. We are going to see what the Bible says about God and sex, single sex, married sex, same sex, and all kinds of other aspects of sex. It will be a great time to invite a friend. Just a warning…this series will be PG-13 in some regards. If you have a Middle School student with you in the services you may want to plan to have some conversations with them that center around the messages.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Happy New Year!

Upcoming Events:
January 15th – Men’s Ministry
January 28th – Women’s Ministry Retreat
January 30th – Annual Business Meeting
February 6th - Communion

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