venice church

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Christmas Offering

Some of you have been asking for it and you got. It’s wintertime (such as it is) in the city. I know that you all have a lot going on…so I am going to attempt to keep this short and sweet today.

Men…your Men’s Ministry Meeting is this Sunday right after the service. Make your plans to be with us and…most of you did not sign up so look for the Men’s Ministry Email and respond to it so they know how much pizza to buy. We always have a great time. Come and join us.

We are continuing to receive our Christmas Outreach Offering. I am very pleased to inform you that we are half way to our goal of $5,000.00. We want to be a blessing to those in our neighborhood who are far from God. The invitations will drop on their doors next week. I know that you want to have a part in this special opportunity to give. I know that God will bless your generosity. Just put your offering in an envelope and write “Christmas” on it.

I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday.

Upcoming Events:
December 6th – 20th Christmas Outreach Offering
December 13th – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 23rd – Women’s Ministry
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

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