venice church

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Tiger...Come On Man!

I am really disappointed in Tiger Woods. Despite the truth that I know from Scripture, that we all sin and that we are depraved, I always hope for better. I don’t hope for perfection. I know that is not realistic. I hope for better. I want to believe in people. I want to believe that some guy, any guy, is going to excel in his field, make ungodly amounts of money, become a universal icon and not cheat on his wife and his kids. I want to believe that one or some of these guys are not going to become so enamored with it all and so arrogant that they think they are above, not just the law, but basic morality. I hope for one of these guys to realize that you never get away with it.

But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the LORD, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.

Tiger Woods is a guy who makes his living playing a “gentlemen’s game” where the players police the game themselves without need of referees. Tiger would never, ever, think of cheating at golf, but apparently he will cheat on his wife and kids.

One more thing. Don’t these guys ever learn? Will one of them ever learn from Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and the rest? I get it. I know there are plenty of professional athletes that don’t cheat on their wives, but never get accolades for being “normal”. Just once, could the greatest in the world, the greatest of all time, be a man that we could be proud of?

Upcoming Events:
December 6th – 20th Christmas Outreach Offering
December 13th – Men’s Ministry
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 23rd – Women’s Ministry
January 31st – Annual Business Meeting

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