venice church

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Purpose Driven

2011 is in full swing here at Venice Church and this year is quite a bit different than most because so far we have focused on the end of the world and now we are talking about God’s most intimate creation…sex. Because we are taking a bit of a different approach I want to remind you of these truths.

We were not created exclusively to have sex. We were created to live out God’s five purposes. We were created for worship, community, growth, ministry, and evangelism. Venice Church is a purpose driven church. These five purposes lay beneath any and all events, activities, teaching, and methods that we employ.

Our desire is that as we stay connected to God moment by moment that we learn to love Him more. That is worship. I pray that we grow closer to one another. That is community. I pray that we grow closer to Him by knowing Him better. That is growth. I pray that we serve God and others with passion and humility. That is ministry. I encourage you to share the life-changing truth of who Jesus is every time that you are presented with the opportunity. That is evangelism.

Living in and living out God’s purposes is not easy, but it is simple. Let’s keep it simple and honor God through our lives and our church.

Upcoming Events:
January 28th – Women’s Ministry Retreat
January 30th – Annual Business Meeting
February 6th - Communion

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