venice church

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Sunday is a very important day here at Venice Church. We are going to wrap up our SEXpectations series with a talk about homosexuality. I covet your prayers for this important message and service on Sunday.

There is a lot of important stuff coming up. I encourage each one of you to be involved. The Men’s Ministry breakfast is coming up on Saturday February 26th. All of the women are invited as well. This is not for couples. This is for all men and all women. The cost is $16.00 per person and you can sign up at the information center on Sunday. Amy will be doing a Relationship Q & A at the breakfast. We would like to have your questions in advance. I will tell you how to get your question to us when I talk with you on Sunday.

There is other good stuff coming up. Be sure to read your handout carefully on Sunday.

Upcoming Events:
February 26th – Men’s Ministry Breakfast
March 6th – Communion
March 6th – The Truth Project
March 12th – Men’s Ministry Service Project
April 24th - Easter

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