venice church

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Special Project

Today is one of my favorite days of the year. We mailed our tax junk to our tax guy today. Hopefully, prayerfully, everything is in order and I will hear back from the tax guy very soon that everything looks good and the chances of us being audited are very slim.

This past Sunday we held our Annual Business Meeting. Everything went very well. God was very good to our church in 2010. We are excited about what God will do in us and through us in 2011. As you have noticed there are many guests visiting our services. Please pray that many will receive Christ and will join our Venice Church family.

And…here is a matter of prayer. Last year our worship center sound system “blew up” and with the help of an experienced sound technician we were able to get our sound system functional. The truth is we are just functioning where our sound system is concerned. To run at an optimal level there is a lot more work for us to do. And unfortunately that requires a fairly significant investment. To get the system where it needs to be we need to spend about $13,000.00. We have not budgeted for this in 2011. To do this work we need for God to provide in an amazing way. Please pray with me that God would provide so that we can tackle this special assignment. And…if I could drop a not so subtle hint…if any of you have been blessed in an amazing way and would like to contribute to this special project, please contact me. I know that God will bless you in your generosity.

Upcoming Events:
February 6th – Communion
February 26th – Men’s Ministry Breakfast
March 6th – Communion
April 24th - Easter

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