venice church

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Care Packages

The Men’s Ministry will deliver the care packages to the men of Love Lifted Me Missionary Baptist Church on Saturday. Thank you to all of you who gave so generously to this project. You are a blessing to these men and I know that God will bless you for your willing spirit to give.
Men, we are meeting at Venice Church at 9:00 AM on Saturday to load up and car pool. I will see you then.

And…then don’t forget to set your clock forward one hour on Saturday evening. Daylight Savings Time 2011 begins early Sunday morning.

The Women’s Ministry is going to be sponsoring a Parking Lot Sale on Saturday July 16th. So you have plenty of time to get your Spring Cleaning done and pile up some stuff to sell. Ask your neighbors to donate items for you to sell as well. The proceeds will go to Christmas gifts for our Missionaries.

Upcoming Events:
March 12th – Men’s Ministry Service Project
March 13th – The Truth Project
April 9th – Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale
April 22nd – Good Friday Service
April 24th - Easter

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