venice church

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Father's Day

If you think about it Father’s Day is kind of weird. Some people are even opposed to celebrating Father’s Day. They think it is lame because they see it as a Hallmark creation. I once read where a guy, a father, said about Father’s Day, “Anyone can procreate, and most eventually do. I refuse to celebrate a statistical probability.” I get his point and having been raised by a father and having been a father now for 25 years I appreciate fatherhood more than ever. Obviously, I am not talking about the ability to procreate, but rather the skill of fathering. Fathering (parenting) is a skill. Good fathering can be learned. Every father has strengths and weaknesses. Take everything you can (the good and the bad) from your father and use it to grow into the person that God has called you to be. Give thanks and celebrate your father on Sunday.

And…this Sunday wear your favorite jersey to Venice Church to honor all the dads. We will continue with our series “That’s How We Roll” when we talk about community and fellowship. See you then.

Venice Church has a new fan page on Facebook. Head over there and “like” our page to get updates on everything happening with our church family.

Upcoming Events:
June 18th – Rockstars Concert & Open House
June 19th – Father’s Day
June 22nd – EPIC Camp
June 25th – Seek N Surf
June 26th – Missionaries Dave & Nan Walter
July 16thth – Women’s Ministry Parking Lot Sale
August 31st – September 4th – Men’s Ministry Road Trip
September 9th & 10th – Women of Faith Conference

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