venice church

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tell Your Story

I received a great deal of positive feedback from the message a couple of weeks ago about telling your story. God has used that message and subsequent encounters to really get some of you thinking about your story.

As a follow up I would like to share this with you. God is using this idea in my life as well. As I mentioned earlier, Amy and I are reading through the Bible together this year. Right now our prescribed reading is in the book of Acts. We have been reading the last few days about the Apostle Paul. Paul was a missionary and church planter and preacher and theologian; however what has really hit home with me is how many times he just told his story! Over and over again in Acts he simply retells his story. “I was on the way to Damascus to round up Christians so that they could be punished for following Christ…and…I came face to face with the Master.” Another time he will say, “You know…I am a Jew as well, but I have come to faith in Christ.” Then another time he will say, “You cannot hold me without a trial because I was born a Roman citizen…and…the reason that the Jews wanted me arrested is because I was preaching about Jesus.”

Throughout his life and specifically toward the end of his life, God just keeps giving Paul opportunities to share his story. I have no doubt that God will do the same for us. As we study Just Walk Across the Room next month I pray that we will find the encouragement and the tools to tell our story effectively for God’s glory and for the sake of those whose lives need to be changed by the power of Jesus Christ.

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