venice church

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We Are Better Together

I was reading Numbers chapter 32 this morning where there is a fascinating account. The Children of Israel have wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and now they are preparing to cross the Jordan River and go into the Promised Land. They know that when they cross that river that it will be a war. God’s command is for them to cross over and then begin driving out and or eliminating the people that inhabit the land.

The tribes of Reuben and Gad want to settle in the land east of the Jordan River. They are ranchers. The land is prime grazing land. The leaders of their tribe go to Moses and say, “We want this land on this side of the Jordan.” The inference is that the other tribes will not want this land…so we will take it.

Moses reaction is very interesting. His first impression is that they want to settle the land right now and never cross the river and never join the fight. Moses tells them that they may have the land if the men of their tribes will cross over and fight with the other ten tribes. They agree to go into the land and fight and then they will come back to their wives and children that they have left on the other side of the river.

For me there are several principles here that form a parallel for us in our church.
1. We are all in this together. The Scripture is clear that we are in a spiritual battle. The good news is that we have each other. We are in this together.
2. Unity is required. For us to accomplish all that God has called us to, we must strive together in unity. Moses makes it clear that disunity is sin. He reminds them that the reason that they had circled the desert for 40 years is because they were not unified in their purpose the first time around.
3. We all have a part to play and a job to do. For the Children of Israel to be successful and to maintain unity, everybody had to do their part. The same will be true in the church. Again, Moses is very clear. For the tribes of Reuben and Gad to be remiss in doing their part would be sin.

God has blessed Venice Church with wonderful people and a wonderful spirit. I appreciate your love for this church your desire to fulfill the mission that God has given to us. We are better together! Thanks for doing your part. I am honored to serve along side of each one of you.

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