venice church

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Fun Stuff To Do

We are in full blown holiday mode and so I will take this opportunity to update you on upcoming ministry opportunities.

Ladies, don’t forget your Mad Hatter Tea Party on Saturday. The festivities get under way at 3:00 PM in the chapel. Don’t forget your hat and tea cup. I know that you are going to have a great time. By the way, I heard several men lamenting the fact that they could not attend. Okay, I made that part up! I know you ladies will have a great time.

Guys, our December Men’s Ministry Meeting is Sunday right after the morning service. We will meet in the chapel as well and lunch will be served. Read chapter 12 before you arrive on Sunday.

In conjunction with our ladies meeting on Saturday and our men’s meeting on Sunday are two opportunities for you to give during the Christmas season. The ladies are receiving monetary donations. They are going to be sending the money to our missionaries to bless them at Christmas time. For more information, please contact Denise Jensen ( or Isis McKelvey (

The Men’s Ministry is cooperating with two of our small groups to collect clothing and toiletry items and monetary gifts for Emmanuel Baptist Rescue Mission. You can bring your clothing and toiletry items and place them in the boxes in the lobby. To give money to this project, please place your gift in an offering envelope and write Emmanuel Mission on it. Monetary donations will be used to purchase Costco Gift Cards for the Mission to use to buy food and other needed items. Donations will be received through Sunday. For more information please contact Brad Jensen (

Please make your plans to be with us for our Christmas Eve Service. The service will begin at 6:00 PM. It is a great time to invite your seeking or unchurched friend.

Upcoming Events:
December 14th – Guest Speaker: Rev. Bob Henson
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service
January 10th – Men’s Ministry Meeting
January 25th – Annual Business Meeting

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