venice church

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

I hope that you are having a wonderful Memorial Day! It is good and right to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Thank you to all who have served us in our armed forces. The families of those who have lost loved ones are in our prayers today.

Attention Rockstars Parents: There is a change to the Sunday morning schedule. Take One has been suspended immediately and the children will no longer be worshipping with us on Sunday mornings. Please check your child into their Studio before you come to the Worship Center. Studios will be open no later than 9:45 AM each Sunday morning.

FYI…Amy and I are going to Palm Springs for a few days this week. The church office will be closed Wednesday – Friday.

Upcoming Events:
June 6th – Seek & Surf
June 7th – EPIC Youth Ministry Camp Fund Raiser
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day (Sports Jersey Day & Dodger Tickets)
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

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