venice church

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Is On the Way

The end of the school year is quickly approaching and summer is just around the corner. As you can see by the calendar of events, this summer is jam packed here at Venice Church. Please mark your calendars and make your plans to be a part of all that is happening.

Please make note of these special announcements. These events are approaching quickly.

We have many unique ministries here at Venice Church. One of them is our Seek & Surf ministry. It cranks up every summer and it gets started on Saturday June 6th. It is for surfers and those learning to surf. It is a time for those seeking God and interested in surfing to get together and hang out and study the Bible and…well…surf. For more information, get in touch with Marc Bagasao.

If you have not joined our church by completing CLASS 101: Connecting With God’s Family and would like to, then make your plans to attend the class on Saturday June 13th @ 9:00 AM. The class is designed to answer your questions about Venice Church. You can enroll in the class by marking the box on the back of your response card on Sunday morning or by responding to this email.
If you have not been baptized and would like to be baptized then Sunday June 14th is for you. We will baptize right before the service at about 9:45 AM. You can sign up to be baptized on the back of your response card on Sunday or by responding to this email.

Just a reminder…you can read each week’s touching base on my blog at You can also link to the blog from our church website

Upcoming Events:
June 6th – Seek & Surf
June 7th – EPIC Youth Ministry Camp Fund Raiser
June 13th – CLASS 101
June 14th – Baptism
June 19th – 24th – EPIC Camp & Ski Trip
June 21st – Father’s Day (Sports Jersey Day & Dodger Tickets)
June 27th – Women’s Ministry Meeting

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